2013년 1월 11일 금요일

Toilet training using iPotty?

 A new toilet training accessory is going to come out this March. The iPotty that is a little plastic toilet with an iPad holder was being displayed at CES this year. The idea is that parents give their toddlers a tablet to use while they go potty and toddlers sit down on the potty. From now on, babies can take care of business while playing games or watching videos.
 It is a good idea to learn how to pee on the pot while being entertained. Toddlers now learn to play with gadgets before they can speak and talk to parents. On the other hand, I doubt that it is really good for children.  I think using computer or electronic devices at an early age could bring a negative effect on babies because toddlers are in a period when they need to learn how things are going around them , who I am and what I am doing. If I have a toddler, I don't want to buy iPotty to my baby.



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